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Some Good Traffic Counter For Website

Some Good Traffic Counter For Website

Maintaining the count of traffic visit on your website is useful and should must be done . There are many widgets that help you to coun the no of peoplt htat visit your page and some of these also give information from where these have come .
Some of the widgets are :-
  • Bravenet traffic counter :- This traffic counter can be obtained after making a free account at .
it is a great traffic counter
gives you daily information about your pages visits , about unique visitors visiting your page , about the most busiest time , day , and people with which web browser and operating system surf your window the most.
It really gives a good information about the traffic.

  • world map:- This widget appears as a world map as the people from anywhere visit your website , a small dot appears on the map from where the people are from . More the visits are from that particular place more bigger the dot size would be . This can be obtained from the website :-
Locations of visitors to this page

  • Whos among us :- this is a cool small widget which gives you the information about how many people are online on your blog . It also gives information about which country they are from.

  • Histats:- This website provides a all in one widget from it you can count the no of visits , unique visits , people online and many more things . This widget is avilable in many forms and can be obtained from this website .

1 comment:

  1. Yeah these are some good alternatives but there are many others as well.Using web analytics has many benefits.Without knowing where your traffic comes from or when and why it leaves, your website will not be able to become the successful website you want it to be.


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