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This is the second part of the great auto thefts, better known as Grand Theft Auto. The plot continues with what is related to mafias and dirty games in the streets, pedestrians badly-treated and the legendary bank assaults.

The new innovative feature of this software application is the three predominant groups in the city, each of them with its aims and ideology in the city.The power is in your hands, and you have to get on well with some of them. Remember that these gangster organizations don’t get along among them, that jeans that one or more of them will be your enemy(ies) as soon as you join the group that you like the most.

Grand Theft Auto is all about maintaining your street cred as a criminal. The local crime bosses send you out on missions ranging from carjacking to kidnapping to drug running. The more missions you complete successfully, the longer you retain and/or advance your criminal status. This demo version includes the first four missions of the game, and imposes a six-minute time limit on gameplay.

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