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Expandable Post Summary Hack for Blogger

Expandable Post Summary Hack for Blogger

There are two methods to do it . I am publishing Only one method in this blogger post.
Just follow the following step by step procedures:-
1.Go To Layout > Edit HTML > Expand WIdget Template .
2.Press ctrl +F and search for the closing tag of your blogger template .
3. Paste the follwing HTML Code Just below it .
<!-- JavaScript Posts Summaries --> <script
language='javascript' src=''
<script language='javascript'
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() { $('.excerpt').expander
slicePoint: 450, // default is 100 expandEffect: 'fadeIn', expandText:
'[...]', // default is 'read more...'
userCollapseText: '[^]' // default is '
[collapse expanded text]'
}); }); </script> <!--
End JavaScript Posts Summaries -->

Note :- You can change the %age of Post which you want to show by changing the %age out of 1000 which is written in black in the above HTML code (Slice Point:450) , Here 450 is the %age out of 1000.

4. Search for the following code:-
<div class='post-body entry-content'>
<data:post.body/> <div style='clear: both;'/
> <!-- clear for photos floats -->

And replace it with the following code written in green:-
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'> 
<div class='excerpt post-body entry-content'>
<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats
</div> <a expr:href="data:post.url">Read More..</a>
<b:else/> <div class='post-body entry-content'>
<data:post.body/> <div style='clear: both;'/> <!--
clear for photos floats -->
</div> </b:if>

It Must look like this:-

5. Now preview your template , If the work is done you save the template .
6. Your template must look like this:-

Bannershop GIF Animator

Bannershop GIF Animator

Create, edit, and optimize animated GIFs images for the Web. Animate images, shapes, and texts, using predefined animation effects such as Fade, Zoom, and Blur, or build animations from existing images. Bannershop GIF Animator uses a powerful optimization engine that can significantly reduce GIF file size.
The Optimization Wizard leads the user through the process, providing instant preview of optimized animation, so users can balance between image quality and the file size.
The application can create single or multi-frame animations. Master frame can be used as a background for entire animations, so repetitive graphics can be easily reproduced and managed. Extendable architecture allows adding new animation extensions.

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