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ArchiCAD Educational Version

ArchiCAD is the most popular Virtual Building solution for architects in the world. It has formed the modeling backbone to over a million buildings worldwide, and has a passionate, loyal and above all, creative, legion of users across 83 countries.
The ArchiCAD educational version is a fully-functional copy of the commercial version, with the only exception that it prints a watermark-style logo onto all ArchiCAD project files created or opened with the ArchiCAD student version. You, as a student, will have at your fingertips the very same modeling solution - ArchiCAD - that you will encounter after graduation on the job, out there in the real, competitive market among great architects who have built their reputation on it. So, take a moment to read detailed description of ArchiCAD 11, to be clear just how this design tool can transform your approach to building modeling for a fun, satisfying and successful architectural career.


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